The Table Top Scenic Design Super Set is a 120 piece set that is perfect for all your designing needs! The set includes a proscenium stage, battens, lights, curtains, and almost every scale model piece we make. These are perfect for your UIL one act play!
Please note: the image of the blocks (drawing) is the actual blocks that are included, the photos/images is used so that you can see what the product actually looks like plus material composition.
Set Includes:
(2) 4′ x 8′ X 1′ Platforms
(2) 4′ X 8′ X 6″ Platforms
(2) 4′ x 4′ Platforms
(2) 4′ X 4′ X 6″ Platforms
(8) 1′ x 1′ Platforms
(2) 4′ x 4′ Ramps
(2) 4′ Step Units
(2) 2′ Step Units
(2) 8′ X 1′ X 1′ Pylons
(2) 6′ X 1′ X 1′ Pylons
(2) 4′ X 1′ X 1′ Pylons
(6) 10′ X 1′ Round Columns
(4) 8′ X 1′ Round Columns
(2) Door Units 43″ X 8′
(2) Windows Units 3′ X 8′
(1) French Door Units 59 1/2″ X 8′
(4) Bifold Flats 4′ X 8′
(4) Trifold Flats 6′ X 8′
(4) 2′ X 10′ Hollywood Flats
(4) 3′ X 10′ Hollywood Flats
(4) 4′ X 10′ Hollywood Flats
(2) 4′ Right Angle Triangle Platform
(2) 3′ Right Angle Triangle Platform
(2) 2′ Right Triangle Platform
(8) 16″ x 16″ Stage Cubes
(6) 16″ x 32″ Benches/Double Cubes
(2) 16″ x 48″ Extender
(6) Character Stands
(1) Stage Design Grid
(1) Stage unit all the pieces even screws
(4) Light Bar/ Line Set Pipe/Battens
(4) Masking Curtain/Legs pipe
(12) Adjustable focus lights
(5) Curtains: 1 backdrop 4 legs